#2 Devlog - Concepts, concepts, CONCEPTS!!!


I’m Tyler, I've been very excited to work with everyone at Speldosa and bring my 5+ years of game graphics design experience to good use. Project Shoreline is very dear to me as I have been injecting fundamental: character designs, environmental art, ideas, and vibes since Speldosa’s very beginning last year.

One of the first things we discussed during development was the different biomes we could choose from and what they could contain. I tasked myself with trying to loosely illustrate what the level could look like in Project Shoreline and here is one of the first drafts

I was to include windswept trees and cherry blossoms in a beach-esque area. I enjoyed the ambiguous size of the different elements in this but wanted to give it another go:

A few details that stuck with me were the implementation of corals near the beach. I had a hard time imagining this as a playable level so I felt it necessary to give the illustration another try.

Now we got something. This illustration ended up resonating with the team so we decided to build a 3D test scene based on it.

Here is the 3D test scene made by Veronica :D You can read her Dev Diary here! From this point, we needed to fill the world out with some ✨Stuff ✨

Concept art for some beach grass.

Concept art for spider lilies and water lilies.

Pillars hero cluster concept art.

Fountain hero cluster and restoration concept art.

Spiral shell puzzle cluster made by Alva, our Art Director. 

This is only a fraction of the concept art produced but we will have to save the rest for another time. This project has been a very VERY important learning experience for me and it was a big first step for us to take together as a team. Onwards to new things! Yeehaw!

Get Project Shoreline


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I love the lil guys for scale


warzone aura so was thinking if you wanted to make things have a completly diffirent design i was thinking if you had a mix of oil damage explosion holes and many things of war

you could make a game that first starts off as a warzone of death and destruction and then when we come along we clean away the effects of the death and destruction making the world pure and whole again

if you made the game larger as well you could make zones and regions if you clear all zones in a region the sky of that region would turn from a nuke mushroom cloud to a bright sexy blue color like nonething ever happened

making the game have alot more huge outcome could be much better then the very small outcome

and it would make you feel like your doing something inportant over just cleaning slugg which honestly it felt abit muh like why am i even here

you either need story or a much more heft awe factor


dev: *makes a cute peaceful game*

the reason i say add war is to make it look truly diffirent making it look like the world is dying then after we cure it things start to get healed is a great idea


Beautiful concept art, I love these pieces very much! Thank you for sharing some of it here with us so we can adore the eye candy! 

Happy to hear that ^^